Where is the best opportunity for your student to succeed and give your family the best chance of surviving a school year without tears and turmoil?
To have a tutor is by no means a crutch but a wonderful tool for all students that is accessible. Many times parents find that tutoring is out of their price range or students find tutoring to be only used for students who “have bad grades”. These two are tutoring MYTHS!
We’d like to introduce a new definition of what tutoring stands for and what Tutoring and Beyond stands for.
An Educational Guardian is an interchangeable word of a tutor in our books. We understand the needs of each student do not stem from homework issues, but much deeper. To truly find your students weak points in their education, one must dissect the triggers. Those triggers can vary:
-Overwhelmed by homework after school
-Unorganized and tends to lose track of assignments and due dates
-Not confident to ask questions in class, causing confusion when doing assignments
- Knows the material but has test anxiety
-Needs reassurance that they are on the right track
Students are all different and some may have multiple triggers and that’s OKAY. It’s part of growing up but it’s important to pick up on those triggers and cater to them the best way we know how. 1-on-1 tutoring.
The Benefits of 1-on-1 tutoring are not just beneficial for students but for the entire household.
1. Parents Can Be Parents
It can be difficult for parents when trying to help their student with all of their academic needs, especially when they don’t know how to really help. Parents can be pushed to their limits with frustration and that sometimes leads to resentment of the child to the parent, and we don’t want that. Parents can be parents when there is a tutor, creating healthy boundaries around academic conversation with their children.
2. Professional Help
Tutors are professionals and they love what they do. They love to learn new ways to improve your student’s academic outlook while learning more ways to help them succeed. Tutors are able to pinpoint the exact issues and break them down to easier and more digestible pieces for each student to overcome the challenge at hand. They are experts in the subject(s) your student is needing.
3.Focused Attention
Students of bigger classroom sizes tend to be overlooked not on purpose but by design of the school’s environment. There is only so much time and teacher to go around that student’s tend to be lost and confused when trying to reiterate information on assignments and exams. With a tutor, they are able to fully focus their attention on problems they struggle with and better comprehend the subject with a tutor. While they are also able to create more strategic game plans on how to tackle tasks, organizational skills, confidence and any other areas of improvement.
At Tutoring and Beyond, we honor your family values and take you into consideration in every aspect of our business model. We hope to make a difference in our community, one household at a time.